How to Tell if a Pike Is Male or Female?


The easiest way of telling the difference between male and female pike is by examining the size and shape of the urogenital opening, or vent.


The vent of a female pike will be as wide or wider than the anal opening above it, while the male's vent will be narrower than the anal opening.


The female pike's vent will also often be shaped like a V, while the male's vent will simply look like a very thin slit.


Another rather accurate way of telling male and female pike apart is by checking their actual body size, at least when it comes to bigger fish.


The vast majority of male pike will reach a maximum length of about 30 to 35 inches and a maximum weight of approximately 15lb.


On the contrary, female pike can grow to a much larger size, and most caught pike above 35 inches are female one.


Find out even more ways of identifying male and female pike via the article below!